Together, we…
Volunteers are the backbone of Bridlewood’s Homeowner Association!
Which describes your community philosophy?
– It takes a village…
– Many hands make light work.
– Divide and conquer.
– If you can’t beat them, join them!
From the five-member Board of Directors to the Standing and Disappearing Task Force (DTF) Committees to the small yet enhancing single projects, creating and maintaining a happy neighborhood is a team effort.
You are invited to participate on any level. Find your passion and join us!
VOLUNTEER PossibilitieS
Board of Directors.
These five HOA governing positions serve two years in staggered terms. Positions are filled by HO elections during the Annual Meetings held in March. President and Member-at-Large roles are replaced in odd numbered year. Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary are elected in even numbered year. The actual position held is determined collectively by the new Board members after the Annual Meeting. New Board members do not necessarily fulfill the same role as was open.
Architectural Control Committee (ACC) Help Wanted!
The ACC oversees the exterior upkeep of the neighborhood homes, primarily painting and fence replacement. This committee usually meets as needed rather than monthly. Summer is the more active time for ACC activity.
Landscape Committee (LC)
The Landscape Committee oversees Bridlewood’s contracted landscape company activities and reviews Homeowner requests for landscape changes. Maintenance, enhancements, irrigation and the tree projects are all under the LC umbrella. It is a year around committee, with the winter months focused on planning and long term landscape needs. The Committee has a core team of three. If you have an interest in joining the landscape committee, please email: Landscape(at)
Community Development (ComDev) Help Wanted!
Community Development is a new committee created in late 2022 in response to an all HO meeting called Building the Future. Its primary goal is to connect-the-dots between homeowners and the HOA as an entity. (Because Homeowners are the HOA!) The
newest communication channel being built comes in the form of this website. Additionally, Community Development oversees the calendar for events in neighborhood and beyond, and supports the volunteer programs and
creates opportunities for neighbor initiated social connections. The committee has a few core members, but we welcome more. Also see Skilled Projects for specific Community Development volunteer needs.
Parking Committee
The Parking Enforcement Committee arose after many years of neighbor complaints regarding cars parking in the wrong place or too many cars overflowing on streets. In 2022, a DTF was formed to review the CCRs and re-establish an updated working Parking Policy and Procedures to address parking concerns. With the policies back in place, the task force was dismissed and now a small committee carries out the compliance procedures. If you have questions , contact Parking(at)
Finance Committee Help Wanted!
The Treasuer is now forming a standing Finance Committee to support BOA Board of Directors fiscal responsibilities and accountability to homeowners.
To inquire about any of our volunteer opportunities contact ComDev(at)
Pages updated February, 2024
This section is all about you!
Have you wanted to meet with others for a particular activity or goal? Would like to share a passion? Start up a special event? Set up a table at the playground to share?
Don’t wait. Get it going! Here’s some idea starters:
As we build events, we can add your all-neighbors-invited social event here and detailed in the Bridlewood calendar.