Parking in Bridlewood

Established in 2002 and built out in three phases, Bridlewood’s 211 single family homes have seen a generation of growth.

Over the past 2 decades, as our home occupancy population has evolved, there are more cars in our neighborhood than ever before. Today, parking infractions are the number one complaint received from Bridlewood homeowners to the Board of Directors.

The materials contained in the tabs below will help all Bridlewood homeowners and occupants to understand and easily comply with our long-standing neighborhood parking policies, insuring that our streets stay uncrowded into the future, while enhancing our great neighborhood appeal and value.

Parking Rules and Procedures

In 2005 upon incorporation of the Bridlewood community, the Home Owners Association (HOA) Board adopted its first parking policy based on Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) plus state and local regulations. In 2011, the CC&Rs were amended with additional definitions of vehicles.

Parking infractions are the number one complaint by Bridlewood homeowners. Over the years, enforcement has been intermittent leading to confusion and unintentional non-compliance. Many homeowners and residents may be unfamiliar with the Bridlewood CC&Rs and Parking Policy.

In May 2022, the HOA Board created a Disappearing Task Force (DTF) of ten Bridlewood homeowners to review parking enforcement and to re-establish the policy and procedures for compliance. After careful consideration, their conclusion and recommendation to the Board was to use the originally established rules with slight modifications. In December 2022, the Bridlewood Board of Directors affirmed the adoption by Resolution of updated Parking Policies and Procedures. The updated polices are a more comprehensive document including identification of violations.

Below is a short list of the major parking rules and policies you should know. You can read the entire CC&R sections, plus the adopted Bridlewood HOA Parking Policies and Procedures, 2023, on the Caliber portal, or request a copy from

  • By residential development design, there are four (4) parking spaces allotted to each home.
    Every home has a two-car capacity garage.
    Street facing garage homes have two spaces in their driveway for vehicles or guests.
    Alley facing garages have an average of two parking spaces on the street in front of their home for 2 average sized vehicles. These are located at the inset parking strips on Bedford, Andover, Derby, Sundrop, Trimble and Westcott. See map.
  • Parking in front of homes with street facing garages is allowed only for temporary guest parking such as for an event or short-term family and friend visits. Any guest can park in front of any street facing home. Guests who regularly stay overnight are considered to reside in the home and subject to resident’s rules for parking.
  • Vehicles must not park across or on sidewalks, curbs, or lawns nor block driveway access.
  • Parking on Belmonte follows the same rules as City of Tumwater streets. This is the primary residential and multi-day guest overflow parking.
  • The exception on Belmonte is there is a No Parking / Loading Zone around the Mailbox Station on both sides of the street. These zones will be painted in 2023. See map.
  • Vehicles that are inoperable, with expired tabs, utility trailers, RVs, and boats and commercial vehicles are not to be parked anywhere in the Bridlewood community. They may be stored in your closed garage.
  • For safety, and according to City of Tumwater regulations, parking must be at least 5 feet away from street corners.
  • There is no parking on marked Fire Lanes on Derby and Westcott or within 15 feet of our 17 fire hydrants. Fire lanes will be repainted in 2023. Hydrants are a commonly known No Parking area. Vehicles parked too close to hydrants are subject to towing. See Map.

(Adopted December, 2022)

The map

Although the updated parking policy is in effect now, to allow time for residents to adjust parking arrangements, only courtesy notices of parking policy infractions will be issued until May 1, 2023. Bridlewood HOA reserves the right to proceed with enforcement for current or ongoing violations.

Homeowners who rent their home are responsible for their tenant’s compliance with the parking policies.

The following steps will be taken to enforce the parking policy:

  • Infraction Ticket notice: A note will be placed on the vehicle windshield noting the infraction. Most situations can be quickly resolved by following the suggested action. The homeowner has 48 hours to respond.
  • First Mailed Notice – Courtesy Reminder: After 48 hours, if there is no response, or if the parking violation has not been corrected, a courtesy reminder will be mailed to the homeowner. Homeowners are responsible to inform any renter that might reside on their property to clear the violation. You have 10 days from the mailed notice date to respond.
  • Second Mailed Notice – Fine Assessed: If not resolved in that period, or approximately 14 days since the ticketed notice of infraction, then a second mailed notice of an automatic $25 fine will be levied to the listed homeowner.
  • If no resolution after an additional 10 days based on the date mailed, additional accruing fines of $50 a week and possible towing at owner’s expense will commence.

In cases of repeated violations, parking in a fire lane, or inoperable vehicles, towing will be at the HOA’s option with the car owner held responsible for the cost of towing on a shorter schedule.

Exceptions or special needs accommodations may be presented to the HOA Board of Directors to request a waiver permit. Waiver forms are available on the Bridlewood homeowner account portal and paper copies are located at the mailbox station.

Bridlewood always encourages neighbors to talk to each other first. Courtesy and communication can go a long way to never needing to file a complaint. But if you do, please be prepared with specific observations about times, location, and vehicle description. Your identity is confidential and will not be shared.

Infractions can be reported via a Parking Complaint form available at the Mailbox Station, or via request to Submit a completed form at the Mailbox Station box or email it to: Parking(at)

The board is

If no resolution a hearing before the Board … Steps.

Exceptions or special needs accommodations may be presented to the HOA Board of Directors to request a waiver permit. Waiver forms are available here and paper copies are located at the mailbox station.

To download or read the entire CC&R sections, plus the adopted Bridlewood HOA Parking Policies and Procedures, 2023, click on Bridlewood library for the CCRs and full policy citations. Or request a copy from

Also see Request Forms on our website to complete a parking complaint or request a temporary waiver.

Pages updated March, 2023