Parking in Bridlewood
Established in 2002 and built out in three phases, Bridlewood’s 211 single family homes have seen a generation of growth.
Over the past 2 decades, as our home occupancy population has evolved, there are more cars in our neighborhood than ever before. Today, parking infractions are the number one complaint received from Bridlewood homeowners to the Board
of Directors.
The materials contained in the tabs below will help all Bridlewood homeowners and occupants to understand and easily comply with our long-standing neighborhood parking policies, insuring that our streets stay uncrowded into the future, while enhancing our great neighborhood appeal and value.
Parking Rules and Procedures
In 2005 upon incorporation of the Bridlewood community, the Home Owners Association (HOA) Board adopted its first parking policy based on Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) plus state and local regulations. In 2011, the CC&Rs were amended with additional definitions of vehicles.
Parking infractions are the number one complaint by Bridlewood homeowners. Over the years, enforcement has been intermittent leading to confusion and unintentional non-compliance. Many homeowners and residents may be unfamiliar with the Bridlewood CC&Rs and Parking Policy.
In May 2022, the HOA Board created a Disappearing Task Force (DTF) of ten Bridlewood homeowners to review parking enforcement and to re-establish the policy and procedures for compliance. After careful consideration, their conclusion and recommendation to the Board was to use the originally established rules with slight modifications. In December 2022, the Bridlewood Board of Directors affirmed the adoption by Resolution of updated Parking Policies and Procedures. The updated polices are a more comprehensive document including identification of violations.
To download or read the entire CC&R sections, plus the adopted Bridlewood HOA Parking Policies and Procedures, 2023, click on Bridlewood library for the CCRs and full policy citations.
Or request a copy from
Also see Request Forms on our website to complete a parking complaint or request a temporary waiver.
Pages updated March, 2023